Being born with eyes like these....

Being born with legs like these....

Then, being abandoned at the gate of a hospital with no name or date of birth.

This was the life of our daughter, Mira. Fortunately this was just the beginning of her life. God had a different plan for the rest of her life!

Currently, Mira lives in an orphanage in China, she is almost 5 years old. She was introduced to our family by coincidence and we have fallen in love with her. This comes in part because she possibly has mitochondrial disease, which is interesting enough in itself! Mitochondrial disease is a rare metabolic disorder that is not familiar to most people, we have 3 biological daughters with this disease. Mitochondrial disease can be scary if you aren't familiar with it and don't have resources for care. We feel God has prepared us well to make her part of our family!

International adoption is rather expensive due to the inspections you require and the lengthy travel. As many can relate, the economy has made it difficult to have that amount of money just laying around. We have spent a great deal of time in prayer and realized money shouldn't keep this little girl from having a chance at life. So, we made a family decision to take a Leap of Faith. Our hope is that each person who sees her pictures and reads her story will be touched as we were.

We ask that each person who receives this to pray for us during this journey. We also ask that if you feel led to do so, make a donation to help...

Bring Mira Home !!


The Newman's

Greg, Vanessa, Emily, Kayla & Sami