Friday, March 9, 2012

We're in Hong Kong!!

Just a few things to note about the flight:
Kara and I met up at the airport at almost the same time, she was early & I was late! The Detroit airport is HUGE, we grabbed a couple of salads for lunch.
~ we boarded plane, then sat on runway for 1 hr due to a "maintenance issue"
~I was sick for the first 5-6 hours of the flight....possibly bad chicken...
~ we were able to watch movies & play games on personal tv's
~ this is a LONNNGG FLIGHT.
~ the food was not good, thankfully for the first half I had no appetite!

Hard to believe in just 2 short days we will get Mira! I am so emotional...excited, scared, nervous etc but I know God has my back! He has brought me this far...He won't abandon me now!!

I was able to listen to my music on the plane, it keeps me grounded...this song spoke to me during the flight and it is just the place I am right now..
Google it on YouTube You Lead by Jamie Grace.
I will update soon!
I miss my family, please keep them in your prayers.
Big hugs from Hong Kong!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. So EXCITING!!!
    You are almost there!!!
    I hope you are feeling better and that you find something to calm your stomach.
    Praying for a smooth transition with your girl and peace in her sweet heart.

  2. We are reading and looking forward to seeing Mira with a family of her own. My daughter is so excited for her! It is just a few weeks ago that she was able to whisper in Mira's ear "Your Mama is coming!".
    Prayers for an easy transition

  3. So glad you made it to Hong Kong safely! Prayers for a wonderful trip and smooth transitions. Cannot wait to see Mira in your arms! :)
